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CONFMETAL KAV a fost infiintata in anul 2005. In prezent, activitatea firmei se desfasoara in domeniul constructiilor, modernizari pentru constructiile existente, extinderi cladiri, confectii metalice si constructii metalice.
Activitatea CONFMETAL KAV este guvernata de calitate, profesionalism si incredere. Aceste calitati sunt bine cunoscute si de clientii nostri cei mai importanti, fapt ce explica si relatiile existente intre acestia si firma noastra.
Politica CONFMETAL KAV este de a furniza servicii de calitate, pentru satisfacerea necesitatilor clientilor, in conditiile respectarii cerintelor legale, a altor cerinte, inclusiv a celor referitoare la mediul inconjurator si siguranta in munca. Pentru a pune in practica aceasta politica, conducerea CONFMETAL KAV a hotarat imbunatatirea sistemului integrat de management, in conformitate cu standardele SR EN ISO 9001:2015; SR EN ISO 14001:2015, SR OHSAS 18001:2008.
Obiectivele principale ale organizatiei noastre sunt urmatoarele: furnizarea catre beneficiarii nostri a unor de constructii de calitate superioara, la termenele stabilite, in scopul cresterii satisfactiei acestora; prevenirea neconformitatilor in toate fazele de realizare a constructiilor, ceea ce va conferi incredere clientilor si va aduce benificii organizatiei si angajatilor; instruirea si motivarea angajatilor pentru imbunatatirea continua a performantelor profesionale si realizarea unei culturi a societatii in ceea ce priveste calitatea, mediul si securitatea muncii; protejarea salariatilor prin reducerea pericolelor de accidentare si imbolnavire profesionala; imbunatatirea continua a sistemului de management integrat.
CONFMETAL KAV was founded in 2005. Currently, the company's activity is in the construction field, the main activity being the metal fabrications, design and execution of metallic and civil constructions and also upgrades and consolidation procedures to existing buildings, being general contractor in numerous projects with both public and private funds.
We list below some of the projects realized by our company:
- Cold store animal products - DUKE LOGISTICS - Popesti Leordeni city, Ilfov county- with an area of 10,000 square meters - warehouse has 5,400 square meters, of which 4,700 square meters are storage spaces and offices. It is divided into seven cold cells of varying sizes between 250 and 700 square meters, each cell has mounted shelves on six levels. To achieve it, it was made the amount of 273 tons heavy steel structure, sandblasted and painted corrosion in its factory located in Oltenita city, Soseaua Portului no. 38A.
- Warehouse and offices STEP ONE OLTENITA - transport and logistics company, cargo storage goods in the city Oltenita total area of 1500 sqm, made of 71 tons sandblasted and anti-corrosion painted laminated steel structure in our factory located in Oltenita city, Soseaua Portului no. 38A.
- Fruits and vegetables storage - DRAVISTA - Misleanu village, Ialomita county- with an area of 2500 square meters and a total weight of 120 tons sandblasted and anti-corrosion painted laminated steel structure in our factory located in Oltenita city, Soseaua Portului no. 38A.
Our metal factory based in Oltenita city, Soseaua Portulului no.38A, Calarasi county has a production hall with an area of 1000 square meters and outdoor storage and handling platform of 6000 sqm.
The plant has a production capacity of 250 tones various metal per month, average and large complexity, is equipped with CNC for cutting plasma and oxy-gas, air blasting complex, compressed air line, MIG-MAG welding machines, welding converters, lifting and handling equipment, controlled dyeing system, drills, boring, grinding, sanding, SDV, fully meet the quality standards listed above.
Given the above, we believe the experience of our staff, and the potential of our company, it is recommended for a successful partnership with your society in the field of the metallic constructions for agriculture business.
In the hope of cooperation with your company, we specify below and contact information: